Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

December 10, 2015

Waiting for Christmas

Waiting for Christmas

And so day after day, December, the Christmas month is passing by us. It is time for emptying our wallets, challenges of our patience in stores while we are moving between people and shelves, everywhere crowded by Christmas merchandise. 

Unnoticed - from year to year, December is the same: an urgent, wasteful and tiresome. Somehow less and less remains longing of the miracle waiting. More and more we feel the rush and stress, although our bodies together with nature are experiencing the energy losses. 

It is therefore not surprising that in recent times many talk about Christmas inflation. If we not value communication, tradition, relationships, the peace of Advent,  Christmas celebrations include depreciation: many expensive gifts, marketing shares, purchase fevers, achieving higher turnover, but little attention and warmth to each other.
However, it seems to me that there is a certain comfort and fun associated with mountains of garlands on the Christmas trees, Christmas tunes and Christmas movies. That, waiting for the Christmas, we all are connected by something more than the visible and familiar relationships. Something what the cold, rainy and gloomy nights changes into the expecting and promising. Something what convinces us, that in the end everything will be fine. Something what changes us, moves,

Happy waiting for Christmas!

September 10, 2015

Spread the love and harmony

Spread the love and harmony

In ancient treatises are noted that the only performing our nature, doing what we are created for, we can be happy. According to the structure of the body, we can understand what we need to do. Dog’s duty is to defend a host, guard the home. The tree’s duty is to rip fruits and so on. To be a woman means to spread the beauty, love and harmony around you. With their inner and outer beauty woman also calms the mind of their men. The woman is a bearer of the beauty, love and harmony in the family and in society.

Thus, it seems that to be beautiful woman is not just a silly whim, woman instinctively feels that it is hereditary and this wish is one of her properties that must be disclosed. Some women are chasing the only outer beauty, losing any common sense and having fallen into the extremes. Other women evaluate and promote the inner beauty also.

What is harmonious person? It is when outer beauty is coinciding with the beauty of the soul. I think everyone noticed that the both in some way related, but not necessarily. Although our look can tell a lot about our character, our inclinations and other features.

September 9, 2015

Modern human sense of smell

sense of smell

Modern human sense of smell is pretty bad. People who can easy recognize thousands different smells are rare ones. It is because around us is a lot of artificial flavors, whose molecules deaden true smells. Our sense of smell is weakening also because of aging' changes, and because of the polluted air. That leads to fact that urban people sense is worse than those who live in rural areas. 

An enormous influence on the ability to smell makes our diet – not a pungent onion or garlic, but a fat makes problems for our sense of smell. That is what scientists have proved.
On the other hand, the smell has long been considered less important for human survival, and for its exploring, developing received less attention than vision or hearing. After all, we have very little words to describe the smell and borrow them from art and music. 

Some scientists say that people feel pheromones, others say that they can not be smelled. But that we can’t live with someone if we do not like his smell, I have no doubt.

December 14, 2014

Wooden crosses on the roads.

lifestyle of world

Every time I am going to visit my mom (she lives 50km from me) on the road I see a little wooden cross on the one tree and white bucket of flowers. It denotes someone's daughter, son, sister, brother, father or mother's tragic death place. Every time pain penetrated the body looking at the gray crosses and small artificial flower wreaths. I think many of you also have seen such places too.

Colorful flowers in the wreaths did not fade out from hot rays of the sun. It is not destroyed by relentless gusts of wind and rain. It does not fade - as the pain of the loss does not fade in the hearts of loved ones.

The case with crosses on the roads means someone had car accident. These persons still could be alive and enjoy all things we do. Not long ago my friend was involved in car accident with drunk driver.  
Alcohol and driving is totally incompatible. I would like to write this sentence in capital letters. I'd like, but maybe there will be better if we write every sentence of this record in capital letters in our moral code. And not only record, but also underline with sharp pencil.
Moments of intoxication effects can flip upside down life. Therefore, do not dislodge our life and do not imprison own future behind the prison bars.

I am doing what I love to do and I feel happiness in doing that.


"Live and enjoy" - this is my life motto. 
I'm talking about happiness , joy and other good feelings that you feel doing what you like. I'm talking about self expression, which is the best way to forget about everyday life.

Eibrahamas Maslou said: "Musicians must make music, artists must paint, a poet must create rows, if they want to live peacefully with themselves. People must to be what they can be. 

They should remain true to their nature." 

I totally agree with that, because only doing what pleases us, what we are capable to do, we are happy. Always nice to listen to a man who engrossed in his favorite work.

A year ago I faced a dilemma - in my mind sounded the question do I should retire from my ordinary job and stay only with network marketing business, or I should still schedule my works? I did not think long. I rejected those areas where I did not feel so much satisfaction and stayed where I can realize my potential. And now, after almost year. I do not regret about this choice, because I'm doing what I love to do. Now I am full time online marketer and very enjoy my life.

"Choose a favorite work, and you'll never have to work" - says Confucius. It is no secret that the work takes very big part in many people's lives. Can it be otherwise, if people spend a large part of the day in work? For this reason alone it is worth searching activity, which is most consistent with our behavioral needs.

Extend this idea. When you find your favorite activities, be sure to find a way you could make money for living. Why? Because we do not want more to work any job which is not pleasant for us.

You know why millionaires become so rich? Studies show that 99% of people who have become millionaires, seek not the money, but self-realization through innate abilities. They found their passion and follow it even to the edge of the world. Furthermore, other studies have shown that if we dislike work, it responds to our health (heart diseases, diabetes), and as regular experience chronic stress.

But sometimes fail to find a job in which you could fully realize yourself, so you prefer other additional activities, which gives you the opportunity to unfold - this is hobby.

November 30, 2014

It is worth to fight for better quality of life.

better quality of life.

Taking care of health means a lifestyle balancing. You can not work all day and eat junk food because it is unhealthy. We must to devote time for healthy cooking and a little workout, 
because this is a lifestyle balancing. 

Correct way of life will allows to do more in less time. As well as the life becomes
 more diversified, will get more colors. 

Give a challenge for yourself - become healthier! 
And who does not like challenges? Only those who are afraid to lose. 
It is important to know that there is nothing to lose, you can only win! 
And who does not like to win?

Health is the key to a full life without reservations. You can do everything, even climbing to the top of the mountain is not scarring you, because you have strong muscles and have not overweight. And yet, the mere effort to become healthier already is a sign of boundless respect for yourself. 
For this, you will be respected by the people around also. 

 So, for the better, for better quality of life -
 it's worth to fight!