December 14, 2014

I am doing what I love to do and I feel happiness in doing that.


"Live and enjoy" - this is my life motto. 
I'm talking about happiness , joy and other good feelings that you feel doing what you like. I'm talking about self expression, which is the best way to forget about everyday life.

Eibrahamas Maslou said: "Musicians must make music, artists must paint, a poet must create rows, if they want to live peacefully with themselves. People must to be what they can be. 

They should remain true to their nature." 

I totally agree with that, because only doing what pleases us, what we are capable to do, we are happy. Always nice to listen to a man who engrossed in his favorite work.

A year ago I faced a dilemma - in my mind sounded the question do I should retire from my ordinary job and stay only with network marketing business, or I should still schedule my works? I did not think long. I rejected those areas where I did not feel so much satisfaction and stayed where I can realize my potential. And now, after almost year. I do not regret about this choice, because I'm doing what I love to do. Now I am full time online marketer and very enjoy my life.

"Choose a favorite work, and you'll never have to work" - says Confucius. It is no secret that the work takes very big part in many people's lives. Can it be otherwise, if people spend a large part of the day in work? For this reason alone it is worth searching activity, which is most consistent with our behavioral needs.

Extend this idea. When you find your favorite activities, be sure to find a way you could make money for living. Why? Because we do not want more to work any job which is not pleasant for us.

You know why millionaires become so rich? Studies show that 99% of people who have become millionaires, seek not the money, but self-realization through innate abilities. They found their passion and follow it even to the edge of the world. Furthermore, other studies have shown that if we dislike work, it responds to our health (heart diseases, diabetes), and as regular experience chronic stress.

But sometimes fail to find a job in which you could fully realize yourself, so you prefer other additional activities, which gives you the opportunity to unfold - this is hobby.

December 13, 2014

Beauty secrets for every woman

lifestyle of the world

Most of us, women, know how to take care about own skin, hair and nails. However, knowledge alone is not enough. This means that we may know what to do, but do not do it or do not know how to do it properly. Yes, we all have not much free time, but in order to do it we need just a desire. 
I guess we all want to be beauty.

 So, here are some my tips: 

Skin cleansing

Facial cleaners can cause irritation even for healthy skin, not to talk about sensitive or problematic skin. How better clean it without irritation? The solution is simple - regardless of skin type, choose a mild cleanser, which dissolves dirt and excess fat, but does not create a sense of skin tension. Therefore, do not choose a fragrant cleaners containing alcohol or ingredients that clog pores.



Why do some women have enviable beautiful, glowing skin? Of course, genetics plays an important role, but even non-problem skin needs help. You need to use skin peelings. However, with a high degree of acne skin cleaners should choose after consultation with dermatologists.
 If engage in amateur, you can only hurt your skin.


Sweet skin

Regular body scrub is no less necessary than the face. And in order that your body skin was so soft as peach it is not necessary to leave a pile of money in the spa centers. Make a sweet sugar scrub - gentle circular motion rub the sugar on a wet body. Repeating this procedure at least once a week - 
will soon see the first results.


Nail care

Before doing manicure soak nails in water. Mix shower gel with warm water and soak your hands for five minutes. It is much easier to alienate the cuticles and nails will become whiter. Toenails to soften are harder, so in the same tub soaked feet you can lubricate with Vaseline and add a bag on them. 
 Leave for 15 minutes and enjoy the baby softness feet.


Responsible approach to dandruff

It turns out, people often abuse the anti-dandruff shampoo. Most believe that dandruff is just dry skin, but getting dry skin is simply a consequence of poor rinsing shampoo. Therefor, before fleeing to buy an anti-dandruff shampoo, carefully and thoroughly rinse your hair.

Be and stay beauty.