December 14, 2014

Wooden crosses on the roads.

lifestyle of world

Every time I am going to visit my mom (she lives 50km from me) on the road I see a little wooden cross on the one tree and white bucket of flowers. It denotes someone's daughter, son, sister, brother, father or mother's tragic death place. Every time pain penetrated the body looking at the gray crosses and small artificial flower wreaths. I think many of you also have seen such places too.

Colorful flowers in the wreaths did not fade out from hot rays of the sun. It is not destroyed by relentless gusts of wind and rain. It does not fade - as the pain of the loss does not fade in the hearts of loved ones.

The case with crosses on the roads means someone had car accident. These persons still could be alive and enjoy all things we do. Not long ago my friend was involved in car accident with drunk driver.  
Alcohol and driving is totally incompatible. I would like to write this sentence in capital letters. I'd like, but maybe there will be better if we write every sentence of this record in capital letters in our moral code. And not only record, but also underline with sharp pencil.
Moments of intoxication effects can flip upside down life. Therefore, do not dislodge our life and do not imprison own future behind the prison bars.

We have to choose between what is right and what is easy


In our life we are making a lot of decisions. It is possible as we live in a free world, and we have the right to self-determination in all areas of our life. Making decisions can be very easy and very difficult. If we have only few cents in our pocket, it is easy to decide if we want to buy a bar of chocolate. However, if we are very hungry and still want to buy Coca Cola, which also costs the same amount the decision becomes more difficult. Right? 

Self-determination means our choice. Deciding what we want sometimes means we have to give up on something. Sometimes we know what we refuse, sometimes not.

There is one decision, which constantly recurs in our lives. It's a choice between what is morally right and what is morally wrong. Like all our other choice, and that choice can be very easy or very difficult.

In the childhood some decisions came for us by others - parents, teachers, etc. Family members may say, well if you act not good will be bad for you! In this way we learn to behave properly - to share, to tell the truth, be polite.
When people see that we are honest, we are gaining their trust. People appreciate our friendship despite so maybe sometimes they disagree with our opinion. They can rely on us.

The choice gives a sense of control. The decision seems depends only on us and only we ourselves choose which direction to turn our fortunes.

It is easier to make right decisions when we are healthy and feel good. A bright mind and a healthy body make a big difference. Only then can we fully experience the full joy of life.